is excited to announce the upcoming launch of this 4-day training program in exclusive partnership with Yidan Xiong, founder and owner of Yidan Farm.
This program is the complete insider-scoop of how Yidan designed and brought her farm idea into reality within one year, and her continued exciting journey, having established a sustainable lifestyle that has become personally rewarding and also inspiring proof to others of what is possible.
You will learn first-hand her experience of going from a city-girl to a modern farm-girl in less than 2 years (since 2021) and the amazing journey of how she secured land and built what is essentially a modern small farm that is ideal for many who would never consider a "farm" to look as appealing as what she's done. Just look at the photo below.
Over the course of 4 days, you will learn on-site and around Chiang Dao, and you will experience her present farm life, and gain insights into the process of how she got to this point. And you will gain a clear blueprint of how you might be able to also build a similar modern small farm in Thailand if you are keen on exploring this idea.
After these 4 days, you might find yourself desiring to embark on a similar path! Chiang Dao is big enough, and Yidan would probably be more than happy to welcome like-minded neighbors!
The Modern Small Farm Blueprint topics covered (during 4 days) <click to view>:
Process of Land Purchase and Ownership
What and How to Look For Land
-water, locational reference, etc
-(including valuation increase and value-added considerations)
Why Chiang Dao (Thailand): The Story of A Personal Journey
Blueprint for Construction: What to Consider
-Building Sequence
-Timeframe and Timeline
-Mid-range thinking
-Labour + Materials
-Locals / Neighbors
-Choosing: Personal Work + Hiring Others
What to Grow and Who to Know: Plants and People
Being In and Part of Community: Do’s and Don’ts
Living Like A Local:
-What it’s like. The high-points. The low-points.
-Culture and Language
-What traits you must have or must develop
-What traits or habits you must let go or put away
Living On A Farm:
-Pace and Space
-What it’s like. And what it’s not.
-A Day. A Week. A Month. A Quarter. A Year. (In the Life of Yidan): A Present Retrospective.
-What 10 lessons learnt over the past year on starting the farm.
Farm Mindset (vs City Mindset):
Expectations vs Realities of Farm-Life
(Participants in the course take test questions/reflect/share):
-Do you know yourself (and your personality)?
-Do you know what you want?
-How are you preparing? What are you doing towards your goal(s)?
-Willingness and Capabilities.
-What kind of farm would you create from what you’ve learnt so far? Take time to dream design your farm (individually or in a partnership or group)
Communities vs Cities: A Perspective
Chiang Dao (current life) vs Other cities (previous life)
-Personal Journey mirroring a Global Shift(?) (talk about experiences with guests who have visited and stayed at the farm)
Why Thailand? And Why Now? (Personal Experience)
Clarity and Application
Yidan's inspiring journey has been shared on social media sites in China, as well as on YouTube, and many have travelled to Chiang Dao to visit and stay at her farm.
One Step Further.
The Modern Small Farm Blueprint training program is designed around what Yidan has successfully accomplished and aims to take those who are genuinely interested even further by going into the details of how to actually replicate something similar, using her successful modern small farm as a blueprint.
The program will take place at the farm and within Chiang Dao, which is about 90 mins by car, north from Chiang Mai town center. Participants will be provided transport from Chiang Mai town center to Yidan's farm, and the 4 days will include accommodation and food, plus the full training to know how to do what Yidan did within her first two years.
Enrollment for this training program scheduled towards the year-end 2023.
Click here to indicate your interest in participating in this program.